Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Okay, I know it's late…

But who in the heck would dress their kids like this?
I found these lavish outfits while searching for some cute hairbow ideas for Jade. Each of these concoctions are like $200. I suppose they are marketed to people who have more dollars than sense or just like their kids to look like a freak show! How obnoxious!


Jacob and Mindy T. said...

Oh wow! That's ridiculous! People can be so stupid.

Sara said...

Who would do that to their child:) That's hilarious! The first one looks like something the kids in Japan would wear! And that poor boy in the second one...OH my:) Too funny!

Heidi said...

That is just wrong! So funny!

Katie said...

When I first looked at your blog I was a little worried--I thought you were posting something you were going to make for Dominic or Jade--now I'm just relieved:)

Peyton AWESOME said...
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Peyton AWESOME said...

If you are trying to scare us, save that till' halloween.