Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fruits of my labors…

Tonight I witnessed my son clean his room in his pure OCD fashoin for about 30 minutes straight (pretty impressive attention span for a two year old.) He sang "keen-up, keen-up" the whole time. He arranged his bins and lined them up and put all of his toys in them. Then he put all of his clothes in the hamper. I sat there and watched him. I kept telling him how happy he was making me. Then, he said, "My house all keen!" "That make me happy!" Boy, did it make me happy. It's nice when theyh copy something good that you do! I love this little guy and how busy he is all the time. I hope to witness many more episodes of him cleaning up!

Earlier today we went to the park with Kerri and Christian. D and Christian were so funny. They both were a little leery of the lurking birds scrounging for scraps of lunch. However, by the time we were getting ready to leave, both of them were throwing fries into the air saying, "come eat birds!"
Here are some pics of the cuties.


Jacob and Mindy T. said...

D's hat is SO cute...where did you get it? I can't believe he was cleaning his own room...can he come over and show Austin how that is supposed to work, please?! lol

CB said...

AWESOME on the room cleaning!! By the way, would you take Saydi's soccer pictures for me? You'll die at how horrible they turned out last year (I honestly thought it was not possible to get a horrible picture of saydi) and it is the same company taking them again this year. Let me know!!!

CB said...

Mandy..I posted Saydi's soccer info for this Saturday on my blog. It would probably be easier to do pics on a day other than a game day if that works with you? I'll give you a call tomorrow okay? THANK YOU!!!! :)

Sara said...

Cute 'lil D and Christian! I love that he was actually cleaning his room...sad thing is Madi used to be that way, but unfortunately she doesn't want to help me clean up a dang thing lately! I loved how he said a clean house makes him happy...does he want to rub that excitement off to my kids:) D cracks me up...and that picture of Jade on the bottom is too cute!

Jaden and Stacy said...

That is so cute! You are pretty lucky to have a kid that cleans up after himself and doesn't complain the whole time. I loved the pictures they were so cute!