Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just in case you were wondering if I was just getting fatter…

I am. But mostly because I'm pregnant. I realized at my ward's park group today that some people are now looking at my belly and speculating as to whether I am preggo or not. I am. I an no longer hide behind my baggy clothes! I am about 18 weeks. We find out next Thursday if it's a boy or girl. I know, I know, I am crazy for having three under three point five. Believe me, I've had 18 weeks to think about that:) But I figure, hey, the Lord doesn't give you things you can't handle, right? Plus, putting away your baby junk and getting it out every couple of years is way too much work. Just have them so close together that you never have to put anything away!
We upgraded to a lovely Dodge Grand Caravan last week so we should be set for at least five - I'm joking, totally joking. A girl can only get hacked open so many times:)


Driel said...

Congrats!! You are amazing, Mandy! I was teasing Evan that we should hurry and have another baby before the end of this year because we have already paid our deductible. I do not think he was a huge fan of the idea:-) I think my body needs a little more time, too.

lqwakestud22 said...

Yes, well said - you truly are amazing! We're really hoping for you to have a boy - our little guy is totally surrounded by girl cousins (which is just fine, of course) but he needs someone to play cars and watch Bob the Builder with! We'll take either, though! Oh, and before I forget, I'm having a shower on the 21st in Henderson - the invitations are a little late. So if you don't have plans, save the date! :) But either way, we'll see you that weekend. Yea for babies!

lqwakestud22 said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention - congrats also on the new Dodge Caravan! I'm excited to see it! BTW, if someone as cool as you is doing it, maybe in a few years I'll totally rethink the whole anti-van mentality. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? And I definitely can't beat 'em. Don't know that I'll be able to afford the Suburban of my dreams anytime soon... :)

Sara said...

I was wondering when you were going to finally post it:) I was getting ready to post it on my blog! LOL. We are so excited for you guys! My guess is still a girl:) You need to post a poll on your blog of what people think it's going to be!

lqwakestud22 said...

lets see the picture of the new car!!!

Heidi said...

It's about time you posted something! just kidding:-) I bet it is going to be a BOY! We are so excited for you guys!!

Ben and Taryn said...

So you probably don't know me very well but I knew of you in high school but I just wanted to say Congrats and I had three kids in three years and 10 days. It's totally great and you will be fine!

Andrew and Sara said...

Congarts Frehner Family!!!! Mandy you are a super mom!!

Britney and Jaron said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! I can't wait to have another one. You are awesome and a great mom!

Me said...

You say fattER, as if you have ever been fat to begin with! Still so excited about this baby. You will do great with 3 so close. You're such a good mom.

Jill said...

YAY!! Congrats Mandy! Can't wait to see the little darling!

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

Congrats again! I already told you that but I also didn't have a CLUE you were already so far along. I can't wait for you to post if it's a boy or girl. Do you have a preference?

Lindsey said...

I couldn't tell last time I saw you! And you aren't crazy. You have a really good point, why put everything away? And why not just knock em all out of the way quick, so you can relax in 18 years?

Peyton AWESOME said...

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! 3 kids! (or 4)

Hibbard Family said...

Congratulations, Mandy! I totally agree with you about spitting them all out and then be done with it. I can't wait to finally get rid of all baby parifinelia and move onto other parts of life!

Ryan and Angela said...

Congratulations on baby #3! So... I panicked and already made the invitations on our Mac. But I am really interested in having you do Kinzie's one year pictures. I always go to Portrait Innovations, and I just tired of the same ole pose. I kinda wanted them done outside. Do you think you could do them maybe the 2nd week of March?

Jason & Stacy Scoble said...

Congratulations!! So exciting, good luck!