Jade and Dominic just got back from their well checks. D is 2.5 years and Sis is 9 months. Both are totally normal, says Dr. Sirsy:)
Jade is in the 25% for height and weight. She was 16 pounds 12 ounces. (After I had to correct the "new girl" weighing her, informing her that Jade wasn't 10 pounds 6 ounces) It must take a genius to read those doctor's scales!
Dominic weighed 31 pounds. The doc said that was good. He was glad to see him putting a little meat on his bones. I'm pretty sure 27 pounds of that is in his head. I guess a big head means a big brain:)
Both are doing really well. Jade got a flu shot and DD got a Hep A shot and a flu shot. He kept saying that he was "braff" (brave).
I'm going to write some fun things about them so when I get caught up on scrapbooking, I can go back and read this:)
Dominic at 2 1/2:
Nicknames: D, DD, DD boy, sweetpea, babe, stink
Dominic is talking so much now. He likes to ask questions and repeats pretty much everything. Lately, he has made some friends at church from going to park day on Wednesdays. He comes home and asks me who everyone's mammas are and daddys are. For example, "What's Corbin's mamma's name, Mamma?" Me: Alisa. DD: "A-Leesa?" Me: "Yes" (2 seconds later repeat, repeat, repeat!)
He likes books. His favorite at the moment is "Itchy, Itchy Chicken Pox" It's a book that Sam left over here when Melinda was having Sydney. He has the whole thing memorized.
We've been trying to tell him little stories from the Book of Mormon before he goes to bed. He likes to hear about Nephi. He loves primary songs. Yeserday was the primary program, I had to sit in the front row to help the kids with pctures nad singing and such. Dominic came and sat by me for most of it. He was singing the songs at the top of his lungs. It was cute and embarrassing.
He is obsessed with president Ukdorf (sp.) He knows that he "fies air-pains." He is notorious for snathcing sis' pacifier and hiding with it. He loves to build and make caves with blankets.
He likes to help me clean (I LOVE THAT and appreciate that more that he knows!)
And I've already talked about his little OCD tendencies...
Okay, onto Jade...
Nicknames: Jaders, Sissy, Sister Bear, Chi Chi, Chi Chi bear, Jadie Cakes,
Jade is so sweet. She is always content. She sleeps in her crib, she eats well, she loves her bath, I am so grateful for this little angel. She loves her cousins. Especially her girl cousins! She gets a big grin on her face anytime she sees one of them. She also loves her brother. She has this spastic little giggle that she gets when D plays with her.
She is starting to wave (again, pretty spastically). She loves to watch this nursery rhyme DVD we have. She is super mobile - she's been crawling and scooting since she was five months. Now she pulls herself up onto everything. She has the tinest little petite feet - if they were bigger she would probably be walking!
I love her hair! She can wear it in ponies and piggies. I have tons of headbands for her, but it doesn't quite tame the mane!
Her first tooth popped through on Friday. She loves people food and baby food and nursing. She is seriously a happy kid.
She says "da-da" and lots of baby jibber jabber.
She is not a fan of the car seat, at first, she does this back arch thing and looks so sad. I've started to put her in the seats in carts at stores and she looovvves it.
Okay, I novel, I know. Just needed to get someof these Jade and Disms in before they flee my scattered brain:)