Dominic got quite a chunk of change from his birthday (thanks to Uncle Joey & Aunt Brittney, Regina & Max & Kristina), so he picked out a play pool to set up in the backyard. He was so excited when we started to blow it up yesterday. I made him wait for Brad to get home to blow it up. However, he put on his Elmo swimsuit as soon as we got home from the store with it. We took it out of the box and it was a little smaller than I expected.
Dominic however, thought he was in heaven playing with it. It cracked us up though because hose water is pretty darn cold. By the time Brad got home and set it up, the sun was going down and it was super windy. D's little lips were quivering uncontrollablly, but he insisted on staying in the pool. Then, he thought "Diego go-go" should go swimming with him. So he was splashing all around with "Diego go-go." (His Diego doll that he got for his birthday from Grandma Frehner.)