I am kind of digging this updating my blog thing. It's so much more substantial than facebook. Tonight I am going to write a little bit about myself. I went to an Enrichment meeting tonight and a very dear Sister gave a "fireside" type lesson. It was pretty cool…probably mostly because it counted as some alone time for me. (Love that my hubby knows that is an important thing and never gripes when I need it!)
Anyway…she is a marriage and family therapist. She is just interesting. She taught us this technique that gets both sides of your brain working together to cope, deal, etc. with situations. So, I struggle with Dominic in the morning, and I am going to try it to see if it helps.
It was also on self-esteem and self-worth, so I've decide to post about myself tonight:)
Okay, on to some ramblings about myself…
1. I love food. I just ate some red peppers and dip and it was just about the best thing I every put into my mouth. I enjoy cooking when I have a clean kitchen and hope to one day have a bigger kitchen with more counter space. But mostly, I love food. All types, everything. I love home cooked meals as well as eating out. Lately, I like to only go to dine sans children. Not that my kids are bad, just too much money and anxiety with the whole family.
I like healthy food and unhealthy food…I don't discriminate:) I would rather run ten miles than deny myself food or whole food groups for that matter. I don't think I would be a successful dieter. EVER. I try to develop the mantra of making better food choices…
2. I joke around about having adult ADD, but seriously, I think I have it. I like to bounce from project to project and keep things new and fresh. I start something and sometimes never finish, or finish right away. It's kind of a problem:)
3. I am perfectly happy being a wife and mother. I think it took working really hard for what seemed like many years to fully appreciate my divine role in life. I think if I would have gotten married and had kids first, before working full time I might have had a grass is greener attitude, but when I worked, my job was stressful to me. It was in sales. My "bosses" wanted to see performance and money. I worked with many wonderful people, but I also worked with people that were pretty slimy. There is not a day goes by that I don't sincerely thank Heavenly Father for being able to stay home with my kids. I still have dreams and border-line panic attacks about working.
4. I am fiercely loyal. I don't do well when people speak ill or find fault with people or ideas that I hold dear. That can be an admirable quality, but it's also caused me to get myself worked up over things that I should let go of. The closer the person or idea, the greater it affects me:)
(Speaking of fiercely loyal and work, today I was helping in DD's classroom and some girl comes in to take his yearbook make-up picture. I immediately was on edge because I knew they weren't printing their yearbook through the company I used to work for. I wanted to join the PTA just so I could take over and make a good looking yearbook and print it with Herff Jones… I've got problems, I know!)
5. I'm not a fan of negative people. I sometimes get physically ill because of contentious people.
6. I am not a morning person. My kids are all really good sleepers. I am so grateful for that.
7. I try to keep an eternal perspective on things. I am not always great at it, but I try.
8. Brad and I have a very different sense of humor. He has one, and I don't:)
9. I think Brad has character. I admire that so much in him. I used to be an avid listener to Dr. Laura. I really liked her show. At first I thought she was super harsh and almost rude to people. But the more I listened, the more I understood whet she was saying. She wanted people to develop character. Brad has that. It's being who you are no matter who is watching. It is not being worried about other people, but doing right because it's right and having those conviction no matter what. I love that Brad helps people because it's his personality. And he does so quietly. He is kind even if people are a little annoying. I'm pretty sure that's why he's my hubby, because I have a lot to learn in that department. He is calm, and I need that.
10. I like to shop. I could spend hours at Ross, Marshall's, Home Goods, Kohls, anywhere. Just looking. It's so relaxing to me. I love looking at things. I love it even more when I am with my sister(s) and/or sister-in-law(s). I don't even really have to buy stuff. I just love to shop.
11. I really wish I had someone I could call up during the day and hang out or be crazy with me and drag all our kids to Target to shop, or go to the park, or library or come over and craft, etc. I have friends, but I get too nervous to call people up to do dumb things spontaneously. I loved when my sister lived here and would call me to go to Kohls at 8:00 p.m. It is one of my fondest memories!
12. I used to and might still do have a little complex about being okay at a lot of things but not being really good and a few things…dumb and confusing, I know. I don't feel like elaborating right now…
13. I am trying to enjoy little moments more. Today, my sweet little Jade told me she wanted to be a mommy when she grows up. She wants five babies and to push them in a stroller…love it! Today Dominic and I were playing Super Mario Brothers, I kept overreacting and getting all ticked (jokingly) when I died…I think he was getting a kick out of it. And Hudson, love his cute little way he bobs his head to music and dances.
Okay…wrote enough about myself for a few years:) I'm sure many of my thoughts are pretty universal to mothers/women/sisters/girls. :)
Okay, to have my face this big scared me a little, so I moved the pic to the bottom of the post:)